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The Department of Molecular Biology is hiring an associate professor, 5 months, within the subject area molecular genetics. The employee shall carry out independent research, actively participate in research education, and teach in the subject area. Last application date is 9 January 2023.


Work tasks include research and teaching within the subject area molecular genetics. The employee shall carry out independent research in molecular genetics with a focus on molecular or cellular processes in procaryotic model systems. The research method should be based in scientific method and have a significant experimental element that can include quantitative methods. The employee should also teach and examine students on basic and advanced levels and should be able to be a subject representative for the molecular genetics subject with a focus on molecular or cellular processes in procaryotic genetic model systems. The work tasks concerning the teaching responsibilities can include development of courses related to the subject and responsibility for the education program. The work tasks can also include administrative and organizational tasks within the department and faculty.

For non-Swedish speaking applicants, these are expected to acquire spoken Swedish at an advanced enough level to participate in administrative planning within the faculty.  

Eligibility requirements

According to Chapter 4, Section 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance, a person shall be qualified for appointment as Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor if he or she within an area has demonstrated educational expertise and holds a doctorate or has attained equivalent academic competence or other professional skills relevant with regard to the subject area of the appointment.

Assessment criteria and their weight

The assessment criteria for appointment as an associate professor/senior lecturer shall be the degree of the expertise required as a qualification for employment. As much attention shall be given to the assessment of teaching expertise as to the assessment of scientific expertise.

In the selection of candidates, emphasis will primarily be put on the degree of scientific expertise 50%. Next, pedagogical skills will be taken into account 30%.In addition, regard will be given to administrative skills, management skills, communication and collaboration skills and other skills relevant to the area of the position and the tasks that will be part of the employment 20%. In addition, the degree to which the applicant can collaborate with the surrounding society and inform on research and development work is considered.

Scientific expertise

Scientific expertise shall be demonstrated through independent scientific productivity. The criteria for assessment are:

  • breadth and depth of research – quality and scope
  • originality of research
  • productivity
  • contributions to the international research community
  • assignments within the research community
  • the ability to competitively obtain external research funding
  • collaboration with the surrounding society

In the evaluation of the scientific competence, a special weight will be assigned to independent research contributions in molecular genetics with a focus on molecular or cellular processes in procaryotic genetic model systems as well as the topicality, quality, and originality of the research contributions. The degree of scientific skill should in first hand be evaluated by the ability to plan, successfully acquire grants, lead research, and further educating oneself in science. Great weight is put on new scientific work published in internationally renewed scientific journals where the applicant has contributed significantly and the ability to earn research grants in competition. Documented experience of modern methods in molecular biology to address research questions within the subject is a requirement. Applicants are expected to have an active research profile that complements the department’s research activities. Additionally, applicants with primary research in X-ray crystallography or NMR since infrastructure for such activities exist at other departments.

Pedagogical expertise

The pedagogical expertise for employment as associate professor should be demonstrated by documented experience of teaching with scientific foundation at university level. The criteria for evaluation are:

  • an ability to plan, implement and evaluate teaching and an ability to supervise and examine students at every level of education
  • an ability to vary teaching methods and examination formats in relation to anticipated study results and the nature of the subject
  • experience of collaboration with the surrounding society in planning and implementation of education
  • participation in the development of learning environments, teaching aids and study resources
  • a reflective approach to student learning and one’s own role as a teacher

Pedagogical expertise can be attained through education in university pedagogy, other education of relevance for teaching at a university level or documented and proven experience teaching at the university level.  

Pedagogical skills should be related to the molecular genetics subject area at basic and advanced levels with special relevance for areas within natural science and technology. Documented abilities to be responsible for, plan, carry out, and evaluate teaching as well as supervision and examination is a merit. Experience of teaching in administration and leadership on courses and program levels, including to push for improvements of educational quality, subject relevance, and student access is a merit. Documented experience of professional pedagogical competence development is expected. 

Further qualifications

A general basis for assessment for all teaching categories is both good cooperative skills and the expertise and suitability in general required to complete the work duties satisfactorily.

Applicants are expected to have an active research profile that complements the department’s research activities. Additionally, applicants with a primary research focus in X-ray crystallography or NMR since infrastructure for such activities exist at other departments. 

Further details

As an employee at Umeå University, you're offered a wide variety of benefits that promote a good work- life balance, read more about benefits here.


When you apply, we ask you to answer questions in Varbi. These questions replace a cover letter from you. The application should preferably be written in English, and include the following items:


  1. CV/Umu Application template. Fill in the required application template (word). Submit it attached to your application in the Varbi system as your CV. The following information must be provided in the application template:
    • basic information (contact details, employment and education history)
    • an account of research experience (including a list of articles published and a brief research plan)
    • an account of pedagogical experience and activities
    • an account of experiences of developing and managing activities and staff
    • an account of experiences regarding interacting with the surrounding society and popularizing science
    • references, including contact details
  2. Copies of relevant university degrees and diplomas
  3. Copies of five research publications relevant to the position, numbered according to the publication list
  4. Attachments to a pedagogical portfolio (see p. 3.5 in Umu Application template)

See instructions for what to include in the application, as well as how to describe scientific or artistic and educational activities (pdf)

Applications should be made via e-recruitment system Varbi and be received no later than 2023-01-09.

Type of employment Temporary position
Contract type Full time
First day of employment Snarast
Salary Månadslön
Number of positions 1
Full-time equivalent 100%
City Umeå
County Västerbottens län
Country Sweden
Reference number AN 2.2.1-1959-22
  • Lena Svensson, associate professor,
  • Matthew Francis, Head of Department,,0707867340
Union representative
  • SACO, 090-7865365
  • SEKO, 090-7865296
  • ST, 090-7865431
Published 20.Dec.2022
Last application date 09.Jan.2023 11:59 PM CET

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