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Umeå University is one of Sweden’s largest higher education institutions with over 37,000 students and about 4,700 employees. The University offers a diversity of high-quality education and world-leading research in several fields. Notably, the groundbreaking discovery of the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing tool, which was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, was made here. At Umeå University, everything is close. Our cohesive campuses make it easy to meet, work together and exchange knowledge, which promotes a dynamic and open culture.
The ongoing societal transformation and large green investments in northern Sweden create enormous opportunities and complex challenges. For Umeå University, conducting research about – and in the middle of – a society in transition is key. We also take pride in delivering education to enable regions to expand quickly and sustainably. In fact, the future is made here.
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We are recruiting a doctoral student for a fully funded four-year research project on metabolic pathways in the species of the human gut microbiome. The project involves advanced training in proteomics, human gut microbiome, biochemistry, and analysis of large datasets. Apply by April 4th 2022.
The species that compose the human gut microbiome are poorly characterized at their molecular level, despite their important roles to keep a healthy state. The presence of pathogenic species or imbalances in the composition of commensal species are associated with disease.
In your PhD studies, you will use proteomics approaches to map metabolic pathways in the most common species of the human gut microbiome, i.e., which proteins are expressed and used to metabolize different nutrients. You will then connect the identified pathways with species interactions (e.g., commensalism, mutualism, or parasitism) to predict how microbial communities are established and maintained. This will provide the first hints for how gut microbial communities can be rationally manipulated, either by dietary interventions or by colonization with specific species, to allow species imbalances caused by disease to be reverted.
Working tasks
The doctoral studies are aimed at a doctoral degree where the main task is research within our effort to characterize protein function and interactions in species of the human gut microbiome. You will use advanced bacterial culture conditions to grow the species of the human gut microbiome in the absence of oxygen. You will use thermal proteome profiling and other proteomics approaches to identify which metabolic pathways are active under different nutrient conditions. You will learn to analyze large datasets, and to use molecular biology and biochemistry approaches to follow up on interesting findings. At Umeå University, you will be involved with a strong research community at the Department of Chemistry and the Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS), and have the chance to use the multiple facilities (e.g., metabolomics, protein expression, NMR, cryoEM) for a successful PhD. In addition to the research assignment, participation in postgraduate courses is also included.
To be admitted for studies at third-cycle level you are required to have completed a second-cycle level degree, or completed course requirements of at least 240 ECTS credits, of which at least 60 ECTS credits are at second-cycle level or have an equivalent education from abroad, or equivalent qualifications.
To fulfil the specific entry requirements to be admitted for studies at third-cycle level in chemistry, you are required to have completed first-cycle courses of at least 90 ECTS credits within the field of chemistry or another subject considered to be directly relevant to the specialization in question (e.g., biochemistry). Of those 90 ECTS credits, at least 15 ECTS credits shall have been acquired at second-cycle level within the specialization or an equivalent subject.
You are interested in proteomics, biochemistry and microbiology, and must have demonstrated abilities of experimental biochemistry and molecular biology (e.g., bacterial culture, cloning, western blot). You must have some basic experience with proteomics and data analysis (i.e., basic programming skills for example in R or python). Good oral and written proficiency in English are also required.
Knowledge of 16S rRNA sequencing or growing species in anaerobic conditions are considered valuable assets, but not a requirement.
You are able to work independently, take initiative, and cooperate with the research group. You have good oral and verbal skills to communicate your science. You are engaged to enjoy pursuing a 4-year degree.
Terms of employment
The appointment aims at a PhD degree and the main task of the PhD student is to pursue their doctoral studies, which includes participation in research projects as well as postgraduate courses. In the assignments, teaching and other departmental work (up to a maximum of 20%) can be included. The employment is limited to four years full-time or up to five years when part-time teaching. The salary placement takes place according to the established salary level for doctoral employment.
A complete application should contain the following documents:
Applications must be submitted via our e-recruitment system no later than April 4th 2022.
For more information, please contact Dr. André Mateus,,
About us
The Department of Chemistry is one of the largest departments within the Faculty of Science and Technology with approximately 200 employees, of which approximately 40 doctoral students, and a strong and expanding research. The Department has three major research areas: Biological Chemistry, Environmental and Biogeochemistry, and Technical Chemistry. We are also a strong partner in the KBC, Chemical-Biological Center. Information about the postgraduate education can be found on the Faculty of Science and Technology website: For more information about working at Umeå University,
Type of employment | Temporary position |
Contract type | Full time |
First day of employment | By agreement |
Salary | Monthly |
Number of positions | 1 |
Full-time equivalent | 100% |
City | Umeå |
County | Västerbottens län |
Country | Sweden |
Reference number | AN 2.2.1-439-22 |
Contact |
Union representative |
Published | 11.Mar.2022 |
Last application date | 04.Apr.2022 11:59 PM CEST |