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The Faculty of Arts at Umeå University develops the Humanities and invests in future Areas of Excellence.

The Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies invites applications for the doctoral training program in Religious Studies.

The Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies ( conducts teaching and research in Archaeology, Environmental Archaeology, Philosophy, History, History and Education, History of Science and Ideas, Religious Studies and Theology.

The Department offers courses in religious studies and theology at the undergraduate (first-cycle), advanced (second-cycle), and graduate (third-cycle) level. Research is conducted in the fields of History of Religions, Religious Education, Psychology of Religion, Sociology of Religion, Biblical Studies, Church History, Practical Theology, and Systematic Theology. Several scholars and PhD students are actively engaged in the research field.

Doctoral education in Religious Studies consists of two general programs: (a) Social Sciences of Religion and (b) Historical-Systematic Theology. In the former program, religious beliefs, ideas, behaviors, groups and organizations in culture and society are studied, with methods and theories from the humanities and the social sciences. In the latter program, religious ideas and practices – both historical and contemporary – are studied with historical and systematic-theological methods and theories. The main focus in the latter program is on the Christian traditions. Applications can only be made for studies in Social Sciences of Religion, such as History of Religions, Religious Education, Psychology of Religion, and Sociology of Religion. More information about the research environment is available on the individual researcher’s website:

To be a PhD student at the Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies
As a PhD student, you write your research plan and independently conduct your thesis project in consultation with your supervisors. These are appointed based on the project’s scientific focus. You will have continuous supervision and meetings with both the supervisors and director of studies for the doctoral programmes. You will be part of the department’s research environment where you are expected to be involved and contribute through participation in seminars, research networks, scientific meetings, and conferences. You also participate in other meetings and gatherings at the department, such as subject meetings, workplace meetings and staff days.


General requirements 
To be admitted to studies at the third-cycle level, the applicant must meet both general and specific eligibility requirements. General requirements: a Master’s or equivalent degree in a relevant field, having completed course requirements worth at least 240 credits, of which at least 60 credits must be at second-cycle level, or in some other way – either in Sweden or abroad – having acquired equivalent knowledge. 

Specific requirements 
In order to meet the specific eligibility requirements for admission to religious studies at third-cycle level, the applicant must have completed at least 30 credits at second-cycle level, with an independent project worth at least 15 credits in religious studies/theology with the specialization that corresponds to the dissertation's intended depth. Students who have acquired equivalent knowledge in some other way, either within Sweden or abroad, may be admitted for third-cycle studies after assessment.

See general study plan:

Assessment criteria

Applicants are ranked with reference to their capacity to benefit from and complete the program. The assessment is based primarily on prior study results, with particular consideration given to essays, and the quality of the research plan and its relevance for the subject area. The assessment is also based on references and interviews, and possibly additional evaluations of the main candidates. The ability to work independently, to perform tasks on time and other personal characteristics relevant to the ability to undertake research at doctoral level and successfully complete a PhD education will be assessed.

The degree must be completed at the latest at the end of the application period. 

Terms of employment

PhD students will mainly devote themselves to their own education at third-cycle level. Employment as a PhD student will be for the time deemed necessary for the completion of research studies at a normal rate of study, which corresponds to a full-time position for four years. An initial contract of 12 months is extended with up to two years at a time provided that the individual study plan is followed. A PhD student may to a limited extent also work with teaching and administration up to a maximum of 20 percent of full-time. The period of employment may thus be extended up to a maximum of five years. The entry level salary is 29,000 SEK and rises in three steps to 33,600 SEK. 

Additional information

PhD students are affiliated with the Faculty of Arts Doctoral College ( The studies are coordinated with the PhD training program at the Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies. The PhD studies begin at the start of the autumn semester, 29 August, 2022. The place of work is Umeå and a high level of attendance at the department is required. The PhD students are expected to actively contribute to the research environment. According to The Higher Education Ordinance, chapter 12 §2, a decision of appointment for a PhD student position may not be appealed. 


An application should contain:

  • A degree certificate, transcript from the Ladok student registry, and/or equivalent attested copies of your academic transcripts proving that general and specific requirements are met.
  • Curriculum vitae, including name and contact information of two reference persons.
  • Copies of relevant BA and MA theses and other relevant publications.
  • A letter that states your motivation for undertaking research training leading to a PhD, and that specifies what expertise at the Department is needed for carrying out your research.
  • Research plan – should normally not exceed 30,000 characters including spaces – that contains a description of the proposed project’s:  
    - purpose and research problem 
    - previous research 
    - implementation, that is, method, material and theory 
    - relevance 
    - time plan 

Your application must be registered in Umeå University’s e-recruitment system no later than 14 March, 2022.

Please note: the Swedish version is the official version of this advertisement. In the case of any differences in information between this and the official version, it is the official version that is the legally correct version of the advertisement for these PhD positions. 

We look forward to receiving your application! 

Type of employment Temporary position
Contract type Full time
First day of employment 220829
Salary Monthly salary
Number of positions 1
Full-time equivalent 100%
City Umeå
County Västerbottens län
Country Sweden
Reference number AN 2.2.1-1538-21
  • Tomas Lindgren, Professor, +4690-786 95 64,
  • Peter Lindström, Director of Doctoral Studies, +4690-786 62 31,
  • Jonas Nilsson, Head of Department, +4690-786 99 90,
Union representative
  • SACO, +4690-786 53 65
  • SEKO, +4690-786 52 96
  • ST, +4690-786 54 31
Published 31.Jan.2022
Last application date 14.Mar.2022 11:59 PM CET

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