Umeå University, Medicinska fakulteten

Umeå University is one of Sweden’s largest higher education institutions with over 37,000 students and about 4,700 employees. The University offers a diversity of high-quality education and world-leading research in several fields. Notably, the groundbreaking discovery of the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing tool, which was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, was made here. At Umeå University, everything is close. Our cohesive campuses make it easy to meet, work together and exchange knowledge, which promotes a dynamic and open culture.

The ongoing societal transformation and large green investments in northern Sweden create enormous opportunities and complex challenges. For Umeå University, conducting research about – and in the middle of – a society in transition is key. We also take pride in delivering education to enable regions to expand quickly and sustainably. In fact, the future is made here.

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The Faculty of Medicine, which consists of 12 departments, is responsible for biomedical research and courses in the field of nursing and health care and has an extensive research and graduate education in more than 80 subjects.

We are looking for a person who wants to be part of and develop a vibrant research environment at the Department of Radiation Sciences. We offer an attractive starter package, access to advanced research infrastructure and partnerships with established groups in similar disciplines.

Tasks include research and development work within Biomedical Engineering, with focus on artificial intelligence and digitalisation. The professor is expected to lead research and represent the subject in an academic context. This may include staff and organisation management. In addition, the professor is expected to attract external research grants in a competitive environment and finance the development and operation of their own research group. Tasks also include subject teaching/supervision and examination within Biomedical Engineering at first, second and third cycle. The primary focus will be Biomedical Engineering for master and bachelor engineering programmes, however development of digitalisation and artificial intelligence course components for the medical and nursing programmes may arise. Teaching for other programmes and courses and/or related subject areas may also be included. The professor shall be an active researcher and will teach the subject at third-cycle level. Professors have an additional responsibility for the examination of third cycle studies. The development of new first, second and third-cycle courses are also included in the tasks. Administrative duties and assignments within the Department and the Faculty of Medicine are also included. Teaching in other locations than where the position is based may occur and will be conducted in part by internet-based distance teaching methods. Tuition is carried out in both Swedish and English.

You will be based in Umeå (however work elsewhere may occur).

The position of professor will be associated with an appointment at Umeå University Hospital as a biomedical engineer at the Centre for Biomedical Engineering and Radiation physics, Department of Biomedical Engineering – Research and Development, meaning up to 13 hours per week will be spent working with clinically related development tasks. These tasks may include contributing to medical development projects with expertise in biomedical engineering and project management and/or support with research skills.

Qualification requirements
A requirement to be qualified for the position as a professor is to have shown skill and expertise in both scientific research as well teaching.
Research expertise refers to independent research work, the ability to plan and lead research activities and the ability to impart information about research to the outside world.

Educational expertise refers to documented experience of planning, implementation, examination and evaluation of teaching and is shown in a reflective approach to student learning and one’s own teacher role.

To be eligible, the applicant must have a documented ability to teach in Swedish and English. There may be special reasons why a person who is not able to teach in Swedish is still eligible, but in that case they expected to acquire this ability within two years of taking up the appointment.

As the position will be combined with the appointment as a biomedical engineer, the applicant must have a degree in biomedical engineering or equivalent.

To be eligible, the applicant must be a nationally and internationally recognised researcher based on the tasks of leading research and representing the subject in a research context. In addition, the applicant is expected to demonstrate documented experience of being the main supervisor at third cycle level, from admission until the defence of doctoral thesis, and for the examination tasks expected for third cycle studies. In addition, documented experience of obtaining external research grants in national competition is necessary.

To be eligible for the position, the applicant must have documented experience of research within artificial intelligence and digitalisation for application within medicine.

To be eligible for the position, the applicant must have documented teaching experience in the subject of medical science, specialising in artificial intelligence and digitalisation.

Assessment criteria
One of the assessment criteria for a professorial position is a sufficient degree of expertise to meet the eligibility requirements for appointment in accordance with the previous paragraph, i.e., academic and teaching proficiency. In addition, attention will be paid to administrative ability and proficiency in academic leadership.

A general basis for assessment for teaching staff at Umeå University is both good cooperative skills and the expertise and suitability in general required to complete the work duties satisfactorily.

As much attention shall be given to the assessment of teaching expertise as to the assessment of research expertise.

The weighting of assessment criteria
On appointment the weighting of merits will be as follows: research expertise (3), teaching expertise (2). In addition, attention will be paid to administrative ability and proficiency in academic leadership (1).

Description of the assessment criteria
The criteria are described in more detail in Description of assessment criteria of applicants for the position of Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, Umeå University (Ref. FS 1.1-248-19).

When assessing academic proficiency for this position, particular emphasis will be placed on the applicant’s independent research efforts, innovation, interests, quality and originality in ongoing research within the field of Biomedical Engineering specialising in artificial intelligence and digitalisation, in addition to external research funding obtained as the main applicant.

When assessing teaching skills for this position, consideration will be paid to documented experience of planning, implementing and evaluating teaching at first, second and third cycle levels in the subject Biomedical Engineering specialising in artificial intelligence and digitalisation. Supervision and examination experience will also be taken into consideration. A professor is expected to have been the Principal Supervisor of at least two PhD students’ that have completed their thesis defence.

Administrative skills can be demonstrated through experience of planning first cycle courses and programmes; the ability to help others develop; leadership and other administration tasks. 

Academic leadership skills can be demonstrated through offices held within academia and on research councils.

It is particularly advantageous if the applicant has current experience and documented skills within the application of artificial intelligence and digitalisation for medicine.

Guidelines for application and a list of the documents to be attached to the application can be found here

You apply via our e-recruitment system which is accessed via the application button below. Once the application is received, you will receive a reply.

We welcome your application!

Last application date 2020-10-09


Professor Anders Eklund, +46 70 271 6505,

Type of employment Permanent position
Contract type Full time
Number of positions 1
Full-time equivalent 100 %
City Umeå
County Västerbottens län
Country Sweden
Reference number AN 2.2.1-947-20
  • Professor Anders Eklund, +4670-271 65 05,
Union representative
  • SACO, 090-786 53 65
  • SEKO, 090-786 52 96
  • ST, 090-786 54 31
Published 25.Aug.2020
Last application date 09.Oct.2020 11:59 PM CEST

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