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Apply for Postdoctoral researcher with focus on human interaction with AI

1. Are you currently employed at Umeå University? *

  •  Yes
  •  No

2. Where did you first learn about the ad? *

  •   Umeå universitets external web
  •   Umeå universitets internal web (Aurora)
  •   AF Platsbanken
  •   LinkedIn
  •   Facebook
  •   Indeed
  •   Euraxess
  •   Other?
  •   Job ad in a journal
  •   Personal interaction

3. A concise research plan with your own thoughts on potential research (max 4 pages) *

Accepted file types:  pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt
Max file size: 150MB
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4. A cover letter with a short (about 2 pages) description of your research interests related to the projects described above, and how your expertise fits the call *

Accepted file types:  pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt
Max file size: 150MB
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5. Curriculum vitae (CV), with a complete list of publications *

Accepted file types:  pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt
Max file size: 150MB
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6. Doctoral degree certificate and other relevant degree certificates and study transcripts *

Accepted file types:  pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt
Max file size: 150MB
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7. Your doctoral thesis, as well as a maximum of five relevant scientific publications *

Accepted file types:  pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt
Max file size: 150MB
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8. Other information relevant to your application *

Accepted file types:  pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt
Max file size: 150MB
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Accepted file types: pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt, png, jpg, tiff, gif. Max file size: 150MB
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Attached CV: Download
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Attached cover letter: Download
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