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Apply for Postdoctoral researcher in Sociology

1. Are you currently employed at Umeå University? *

  •  Yes
  •  No

2. Where did you first learn about the ad? *

  •   Umeå universitets external web
  •   Umeå universitets internal web (Aurora)
  •   AF Platsbanken
  •   LinkedIn
  •   Facebook
  •   Indeed
  •   Euraxess
  •   Other?
  •   Job ad in a journal
  •   Personal interaction

3. Research plan *

Accepted file types:  pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt
Max file size: 150MB
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4. Cover letter describing your scientific interests and reasons for applying for the position (maximum 1 page). *

Accepted file types:  pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt
Max file size: 150MB
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5. CV/curriculum vitae with a list of publications. *

Accepted file types:  pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt
Max file size: 150MB
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6. Maximum of 5 scientific publications relevant to the position. *

Accepted file types:  pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt
Max file size: 150MB
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7. Certified copies of grades and diplomas. *

Accepted file types:  pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt
Max file size: 150MB
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8. Any other merits you wish to invoke

(Not Required)
Accepted file types:  pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt
Max file size: 150MB
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9. If you plan to complete your doctoral degree after the deadline for applying, please upload information about the planned examination and expected examination date.

(Not Required)
Accepted file types:  pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt
Max file size: 150MB
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10. Names and contact details with e-mail addresses of two to three academic references. *

Accepted file types:  pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt
Max file size: 150MB
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