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Apply for Postdoctoral position in Bio Statistics: The Development of Adaptive Interventions to Promote Life-Long Learning

1. Are you currently employed at Umeå University? *

  •  Yes
  •  No

2. Where did you first learn about the ad? *

  •   Umeå universitets external web
  •   Umeå universitets internal web (Aurora)
  •   AF Platsbanken
  •   LinkedIn
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  •   Indeed
  •   Euraxess
  •   Other?
  •   Job ad in a journal
  •   Personal interaction

3. A personal letter that summarizes the applicant's qualifications, competencies and interest in the position, including a description of how your experiences fit for working in the ongoing research project. *

Accepted file types:  pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt
Max file size: 150MB
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4. A research plan (no more than three pages, references excluded) that outlines research interest in relation to the postdoctoral position. The research plan should be written in English. *

Accepted file types:  pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt
Max file size: 150MB
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5. A Curriculum Vitae *

Accepted file types:  pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt
Max file size: 150MB
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6. List of publications and a maximum of three selected publications (including the Ph.D. thesis). *

Accepted file types:  pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt
Max file size: 150MB
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7. Copies of relevant degree certificates and other documentation you wish to include in support of your application. *

Accepted file types:  pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt
Max file size: 150MB
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8. The names, with contact details and e-mail addresses, of at least two reference persons. *

Accepted file types:  pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt
Max file size: 150MB
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